
we walked in song

the innocence mission means a lot of different things to every member of their dedicated following. to me they mean peace, hope and the belief that tomorrow will be better than the day prior. we walked in song, out march 13th, finds the band gracefully aging into a territory rarely achieved today in the realm of disposable indie buzz bands. intricate guitar patterns weave in and out of karen peris' heartbreaking lyrics that span from the hopeful naivety of existence to the grave realizations that only occur with the passage of time. the juxtaposition between the lullabies to don and karen's children with the tracks that deal with the recent passing karen's father create an album that spans a lifetime carrying all the baggage with tenderness and beauty. the album speaks to those who sit quietly hushed in the background watching life as if it were an amusement park ride and in a world where the anna nicole smith death is more important than a war the innocence misssion plant the seed of hope that humanity might just be on the right track toward finding that ever out of reach utopia that comes only at the end of hollywood films. if you long for a soundtrack to gaze wide-eyed out the window of an automobile or a subway train and wonder why life is so bittersweet then please support the innocence mission and purchase their record available at this website www.theinnocencemission.com

-into brooklyn, early in the morning


do the human death dance if you know what is good for you

human death dance: out may 8th on epitah records

sage francis has grown a cult following for his spit-fire poetics and in may sage is adding another album to his lyrically dense discography. human death dance finds francis in prime form with a production to match his heady lyrics. the evolution of his albums has steadily grown and come may 8th be prepared to hear vignettes on death and the dark nature of humanity. sage has never been a sunny artist lyrically but this new outing proves to be his darkest yet making personal journals sound like a brian wilson vehicle. sit back and enjoy some samples from the brand new chapter in the cult of sage francis. and for the record sage should be huge so help make him and tell your friends.

-hoofprints in the sands
-civil disobedience

wilco album preview!

on may 15th, wilco will add another chapter to the band's illustrious career. during the interim period three album tracks have appeared on the internet and provided below are the tracks available for download. as a set the songs hint that the direction of the new album will be an extension from a ghost is born and sadly not much in the way of summerteeth, which was a personal favorite. seriously, what happened to crafting tunes like i'm always in love or a shot in the arm? i know this sounds as though i don't like these new crop of wilco offerings but i do enjoy them. either way isn't what made me fall in love with the band's music but it is by far the best track thus far. if a ghost is born was your favorite wilco album then this could be your new favorite.

you are my face begins as a ballad before plodding along as a mid-tempo rocker complete with organ flourishes that replicate the mid-sixties dylan sound.

-you are my face

walken starts with a classic am radio feel that could easily fit on a harry nilsson album that turns into a guitar jam.


either way has proved to be my early favorite. it is a perfectly executed ballad featuring tweedy in prime songwriter mode and features the best guitar solo in wilco history.

-either way

Sky Blue Sky:

Either Way
You Are My Face
Impossible Germany
Sky Blue Sky
Side with the Seeds
Shake it Off
Please Be Patient With Me
Hate it Here
Leave Me (Like You Found Me)
What Light
On and On and On

DUE: May 15th


math and physics club

anyone that wishes belle and sebastian continued making records in the vein of if your feeling sinister and tigermilk should look no further for the torchbearers. 2006 was dominated by everything opposite of this band. People lusted for dance ready tracks and one of many band that fell by the wayside was this self-titled release from math and physics club. i can't stress how much this sounds like belle and sebastian but the one thing that differs and adds to effect of the album is the jangly delay soaked electric guitar. please enjoy some tracks that should have made more of an impact on 2006.

-darling, please come home
-la la la lisa
-i know what i want