i feel like the mother of the world

smog has sealed his mark in pop music over the past decade with his brand of country-folk and with his poetic sensibilities and voice to match the great leonard cohen. here is a video from his last album called i feel like the mother of the world that features chloe sevigny. click the pic to watch.
mp3: smog- i feel like the mother of the world
welcome the guillemots

first, i was hesitant to post this video since pitchfork reviewed the song today but whatever. trains to brazil has been on constant rotation on my winamp and ipod and should be on yours as well. it has all the elements of a great single, with those being tremedously infectious and full of energy. i am positive that the guillemots will be the new buzz band for 06, so jump on board the train to brazil. ejoy the video!
(click pic to watch)

-the party
lost classics: blonder tounge audio baton

meet the swirlies-
sonic youth is great, but not a lot of fun to listen to. they are like a meal of indie-rock wheat germ, while the vaselines are a fluffy dessert. the swirlies sound can be lumped somewhere between the two. in the early 90's the swirlies followed the blueprint layed out by my bloody valentine and crafted some fine dreamy fuzzed out tunes. pancake, the album's centerpiece, features bursts childlike vocals of seana carmody that loom between the distorted guitars and keyboards that rivals my bloody valentine's to hear knows when as best single to come out of the shoegazing scene. lastly, like any of the great shoegazing bands it is best to play as loud as possible to allow yourself to get lost amongst the chaos of the noise. enjoy!
- pancake
- wrong tube
- jeremy parker
- vigilant always
(can't find a good upload site so i am going back to you send it in the meantime. sorry for the inconvenience.)
oh no! oh my!- i have no sister (courtesy of gorrilavsbear for posting another song by pop on parade's favorite new band.)
welcome to the world of benji cossa

- knockout
cossa's website is also filled with charming comics that range from corny to warped. think of what a jonathan richman song turned into a comic would look like and there you have cossa's drawings.
what happened to claudia malibu?

the claudia malibu have existed in the world of music since 1997 to very little interest. how did i discover them? well, i bought the album we'll find you in a bargain bin at a used record store due to the cover art. luck seems about the only way to discover this band in part because of terrible distribution deals and obviously a lack of mainstream appeal. the claudia malibu play the kind of music one expects to hear after hearing their name. we'll find you is an album of sloppy 60's pop that is as reminiscent of curt boettcher as it is early weezer. in 2000 this one slipped through the cracks so here are some tracks in an attempt to resurrect the claudia malibu.
- big white lie
- take me out
- i love the way
(my apologies for the change in download host. both work but i am trying to find another site that you can directly download from without having to leave my site.)
ohh that's jazzy!

if there is one genre of music that is the hardest for me to review it would have to be jazz. recently i read an article on marsalis and i was overwhelmed with the knowledge the reviewer had about the musicians but also the technical aspect of the music, which i lack. despite this i am going to post two tracks from a little known coltrane album, stardust. the album came out in '59 and features a top-shelf backing band in part because they were miles davis' band. stardust illustrates that while coltrane was known for his powerful playing that he could in fact play tender ballads better than just about anyone. this is music made for the setting of the sun as you crack open a bottle of wine, so get classy and check out some examples as to why coltrane is one the best musicians ever.
- stardust
- then i'll be tired of you
you are about to feel the rock! (of the cocker spaniels)

indie-rock has become fractured in the last several years. the rise of bands like the shins, death cab, the decemberists and modest mouse leave one to wonder what truly defines indie-bands. in its truest sense the definition is a band on an independent label, but that becomes tricky considering how many of the labels deemed indie are subsidies of the soul sucking major labels. another definition that could be tagged to indie rock is the way that the music is recorded. indie rock kids love the word lo-fi, as much as, dick cheney like to shoot 78 year old men in the face with a shotgun (had to get that in there somehow). the cocker spaniels are the vehicle for the truly independent artist, sean padilla. his music follows in the legacy of his idols, those being robert pollard, lou barlow, pavement and the happiest band in the world, sonic youth. musically, padilla is a hodgepodge of the aforementioned singers or groups but his lyrics resonate the snarky sincerity of stephen malkmus. malkmus had the ability to lift the mundane into something epic and hilarious at the same time. padilla might not quite be there, yet he is certainly one of the most unique voices to come along to an indie-scene that has become borderline formulaic as of late. please enjoy padilla and the cocker spaniels and visit the website for more info- http://www.cspaniels.com/
- the only black guy at the indie rock show
- weekend girl
- why do i bother
- final season
- my blessing
audio love for valentine's day

to make up for my spotty effort with updates i bring to you a valentine's day mix because i love you.
audio love-
1. the beach boys- add some music to your day
2. the replacements- skyway
3. koop- waltz for koop
4. stephen malkmus- for you
5. polaris- she is staggering
6. de la soul- jenifa taught me
7. bonnie prince billy- raining in darling
8. manitoba- jacknuggeted
9. the knife- heartbeats
10.the innocence mission- i have not seen this day before
11. tom vek- c-c (you set the fire in me)
12. the arcade fire- old flame
13. the organ- love, love, love
14. archer prewitt- i'll be waiting
15. telepopmusik- breathe
16. pulp- common people
17. richard hell- love comes in spurts
18. tom waits- time
19. the animal collective- winter's love
20. the flamin' groovies- you tore me down
21. neko case- star witness
the jolly rogers/oh no! oh my!

i stumbled upon this band back in november and have continually played the songs from their website. the band recorded one album under the jolly rogers, then became oh no! oh my! before releasing their follow-up. regardless of the name the band uses the skeleton of a traditional pop songs and fleshes them out into something that at times is reminiscent of the animal collective, the vaselines or even beulah. i know very little about the band so i cannot prattle on about the members in any fashion, so i'll just leave you with the songs to speak themselves. lastly, both albums are priced at a mere $1.50 on their website so purchase them if you dig the songs.
- jane is fat
- a pirate's anthem
- walk in the park
- party punch
- oh be one
note- the picture has nothing to do with the band. i just felt like posting it.
the boy least likely to

in case you missed the song when i last posted- be gentle with me
detroit rock in honor of super bowl xl

- the thing
- ode to a black man
- your love belongs under a rock
andrew morgan is the new elliott smith

elliott smith's death was bad. i think that was a bit redundant to say but whatever. in the wake of a rock star's death the typical critic cliche of crowning the next whoever always happens. i will use that cliche and run with it. andrew morgan is the new elliott smith. this comparison works for several reasons: the two were friends, morgan's voice sound eerily reminiscent of smith, and the guitar and instrumentation are spot on. the difference between the two to lies in the grander scale the music is created. morgan creates a vortex of brian wilson pop instrumentation, whereas smith opted for the more subdued pop of the beatles. misadventures in radiology is morgan's debut album, and is available online at sonic boom records. please support him.
- supine on the covers
- aligned on the steps
- misadventures in radiology
- the awful room
dance christ dance!
richard hawley brings the cocktail pop

most know richard hawley as the guitarist for the much beloved pulp. in recent years hawley has stepped out on his own delievering albums worth of string-laiden gorgeousness. not much to say for this one but to enjoy.
- the ocean
- it's over love (acoustic)
echo and the bunnymen do dylan!

ok, it is late on thursday night and i wanted to have something posted for the faithful readers for friday so here is the preamble to the song. i sent a buddy of mine this track and i think it is a worthy post. echo and the bunnymen cover it's all over now baby blue and it serves as quite an interesting cover. the layered guitar work adds a great deal to the original, plus the voice of ian mccullough always helps. i'll keep the intro short so just have a listen.
- it's all over now baby blue
classic hip hop from the souls of mischief

the souls of mischief are perhaps the most overlooked group of hip hop's history. in 93 as the craft of hip hop was finding its groove, this group came along and left us with an album called 93 'til infinity. today we have 50 cent and cam'ron (sorry pitchfork but cam'ron is not that great, but nice attempt to shed the snobby image.) bringing in a brand of rap that cannot be called hip hop. hip hop is soulful with creative samples and original beats set to insightful rhymes, and this is excatly what the souls of mischief bring to the world of hip hop. the album 93 'til infinity easily ranks alongside the low end theory or any other classic album. it's a crime more hip hop fans are unaware of this group, so here is my advice: take all your 50 cent, eminem and young jeezy albums and burn them, then go obtain a copy of the souls of mishcief's 93 'til infinity. thank you and enjoy these songs from the aforementioned group and album.
- 93 'til infinity
- live and let live
- let 'em know
big star's underrated cult icon (not alex chilton)

chris bell was the power pop wunderkind (better matt? joking) that helped alex chilton create the catchy mess of the first big star album. with their debut album ironically titled, #1 record, being a bust, bell became suicidal. the next big star album brought a sparser use of bell's songs, due to his increasing depression and reliance on alcohol. throughout the 70's, bell created a host of tracks that were shelved and meant to be used as his first solo outing. unfortunately as bell was on the upswing, and feeling healthier he crashed his car, ending his short life in 1978. in 1992 the lost bell tracks were unearthed, becoming the lovely album titled, i am the cosmos, which features bell at his most poetic and heartfelt lyrically. the title track finds bell in full beatle mode, while you and your sister boasts the title of most underrated love song of all time. the final track here, look up, shows bell's intense spirituality that shines brilliantly. if you like what you hear then look for his album in stores, along with the big star catalogue.
-i am the cosmos
-you and your sister
-look up
andrew bird's on tour

FEBRUARY 2 // Milwaukee, WIMiramar Theatre
FEBRUARY 3 // Urbana, ILCanopy Club
FEBRUARY 4 // Bloomington, INBuskirk-Chumley Theater
FEBRUARY 6 // Louisville, KYLouisville Free Public Library
FEBRUARY 7 // Lexington, KYThe Dame
FEBRUARY 9 // Athens, GA40 Watt Club
FEBRUARY 10 // Tallahassee, FLClub Downunder, FL State Univ.
FEBRUARY 11 // Atlanta, GA Eyedrumbuy advance tickets
FEBRUARY 13 // Oxford, MSProud Larry’s
FEBRUARY 15 // St Louis, MOThe Pageant
FEBRUARY 16 // Ames, IAMaintenance Shop
FEBRUARY 17 // Madison, WIHigh Noon Saloon
FEBRUARY 23 // Minneapolis, MNFine Line Music Cafe
FEBRUARY 24 // Duluth, MNWeber Music Hall @ UMD
andrew bird is migrating around the country, and you should flock to his shows. ok, terrible joke, but bird is something rare in the world of rock and roll; he is an immensely talented musician and singer. don't get me wrong, i love three chord pop songs but the musicianship of his music cannot be denied. here are two songs from weather systems, his ep released in 2003, which features bird playing and singing alongside nora o'connor. enjoy.
-weather systems
the flaming lips are back

the lips are back with their new album called at war with the mystics. the album has been labeled political, but in a positive fashion. the w.a.n.d. is the new single that leaked recently and shows coyne and the band going old school back to their days before they had a studio budget. guitar fuzz, hand claps and a keyboard sounding like the fiery furnaces, along with coyne's falsetto ranting about a power struggle in the world comprise the w.a.n.d. i'll let you be the judge, but i found it disappointing considering their past discography.
how long can man keep his dignity?

this film is one of the saddest pieces of cinema ever created. it makes
dancer in the dark and schindler's list look like a slapstick comedy compared to this tale of post-second world war era rome. the bicycle thief is a film of monumental importance and i can only say that you really have to watch to understand. this is neorealism at its finest and from the opening credits you will care about the characters having known nothing about them. i don't want to mention too much but the church scene is fucking brilliant when the rich scream at antonio to quiet down as they recite prayers about how they suffer for god.
watch this movie!!!! (sorry that sounds preachy)
rainy day music courtesy of hope sandoval

waking to cloudy skies and a steady cold rain makes exiting the warmth of the covers an immense task. there are few things that aide the transition into the waking state. hope sandoval and her music is among them. most of you probably know hope sandoval from the mopey alt. rock vehicle named mazzy star. yes, the band that sang fade into you, or the song at the end of the movie angus. hope sandoval was the voice to a band that brought the shoegazing 90's to a quiet close only to reappear as a solo artist around the turn of the millennium. her solo material can be related to another early 90's group of shoegazers called slowdive. slowdive ended and morphed into mojave 3, leaving the feedback behind for a stripped down folky quality. this is what sandoval's post-mazzy star music sounds like. these two changes also give a clue into what lies behind the wall of noise with all the bands of the same genre. regardless here are three tracks that illustrate the beauty and wonder of sandoval's dream-like warble of a voice.
-on the low
-clear day
the queen of rockabilly

wanda jackson spent the early part of her career as a guitar slinging female elvis. her music, which is much grittier than anything elvis did, exudes immense confidence and attitude. the music coincides with her edgy image that landed jackson in trouble with the conservative crowds she played for when she came on stage in a one-strap dress that left one shoulder exposed. time were different i suppose, but that added to the mystique around her early days. unfortunately jackson became a born-again in the 70's, and guess what? her musical prowess collapsed and jackson settled for making mediocre country records. damn you god! stay out of rock and roll.
here are two tracks from jackson's rockabilly years that sum up why she kicked ass until she found god. enjoy!
- tunnel of love
- i gotta know
serge gainsbourg- he's french bitch

a brief history of serge gainsbourg-
1. played piano jazz in the late 50's.
2. the early 60's started making lush pop music.
3. drank and smoked more than slash.
4. had sex with gorgeous parisian women.
5. bagged brigitte bardot.
6. created music with brigitte bardot.
7. drank and smoked some more.
8. broke up with bb for jane birkin. (bad move)
9. made great music that would prove to be his golden years as a musician.
10. faded from glory drinking and smoking while making raggae music.
enjoy some songs from gainsbourg's peak era in the late 60's
- bonnie & clyde
- ballade de melody nelson
- les sucettes
welcome to the new year! updates will begin regularly on january, 15.

"i know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period.
-god's self-proclaimed messenger, pat robertson
oh, extreme right-wing you are so insane. and also this man and other televangelists should be put on trial for taking the money of southerners who can't think for themselves.