the souls of mischief are perhaps the most overlooked group of hip hop's history. in 93 as the craft of hip hop was finding its groove, this group came along and left us with an album called 93 'til infinity. today we have 50 cent and cam'ron (sorry pitchfork but cam'ron is not that great, but nice attempt to shed the snobby image.) bringing in a brand of rap that cannot be called hip hop. hip hop is soulful with creative samples and original beats set to insightful rhymes, and this is excatly what the souls of mischief bring to the world of hip hop. the album 93 'til infinity easily ranks alongside the low end theory or any other classic album. it's a crime more hip hop fans are unaware of this group, so here is my advice: take all your 50 cent, eminem and young jeezy albums and burn them, then go obtain a copy of the souls of mishcief's 93 'til infinity. thank you and enjoy these songs from the aforementioned group and album.
- 93 'til infinity
- live and let live
- let 'em know
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